That's how I've felt and how I've looked the last 2 1/2 days. I don't know exactly what I have, but it is not pretty. I have spent most of the last 2 days in bed, and that hasn't happened in so long, I can't even recall, but I'm guessing way before I had kids. I have a head cold and a chest cold and I am just hoping that it doesn't end up as a sinus infection. My throat hurts so bad from coughing that I can barely swallow! And, to top it all off, yesterday we were all ready to go to church and Lily was sitting in my lap, when all of a sudden, whamo! A volcano of milk vomit all over me! It was super! I can't even explain it to you, but it was nasty and needless to say, we did not go to church. It was going to be tough on me anyway, since I was already sick, but with a vomiting kid, it just wasn't going to work out. She threw up all the rest of the morning, but made it into a bowl each time, thankfully. We are on the mend now. I had to put off some things that I really wanted to do today and some things that I really needed to do today, but oh well, when you are sick, you are sick. I am hoping after a nice sleep tonight I will be at least at 75% tomorrow, which is good, because I have a lot of things to do tomorrow, that cannot be put off! I just hope Chuck and Skyler do not fall prey to this; you know how those two are, once they're sick, they will be sick for the next six months! Anyway, sorry I haven't been updating my blog very well. I have been really busy and it doesn't look like it is going to slow down anytime soon, it actually looks like it is going to get worse, before it get better. So I will try to do better!