Thursday, November 27, 2008
Bouncy Wednesday
Skyler had the day off of school and I just was too excited to take him and Lily out for an exhausting playdate. It seems like it has been forever since we were able to do this! We went to Bounce U and they had so much fun! They spent half of the time sliding and the other half we were in the big inflatable bouncing and landing on our bottoms and throwing balls at each other. It was a great time.
Family Fun Night #4 Pilgrim Night
Wednesday night we had Pilgrim Night. We had a delicious shrimp boil for dinner. I picked that because after doing research found that the pilgrims ate a lot of seafood when they first got here. Everyone loved it!!!
After dinner we made Mayflower ships, painted Plymouth rocks, made pilgrims and grew boats. Everyone had a great time and we didn't make too big of a mess!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
2 loose teeth are now 2 lost teeth!
Well, those loose teeth finally came out. Neither way was very pretty. The first one came out when Skyler and his dad were wrestling. He was pretty upset about it, but hey, he got over it. Then the other one was hanging on by a thread so I told him I would get it out with some dental floss. He said ok, but after he saw what I was doing, kind of freaked out. I made him do it anyway and got it almost out when he freaked, big time. Chuck had to come in to help and while he was freaking I just reached in and grabbed it and that was that. After he had been freaking out a while, I said, Skyler, your tooth is in my hand. He was just like, WHAT! It was pretty
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sunday Sunday Sunday!
Boy, what a day/night we had. Saturday afternoon Lily developed a fever and the start of croup. She has gotten this once a year, every year of her life, so we usually know what to expect. Saturday night she was okay, Sunday morning, a little worse, she woke up at 5 and didn't go back to sleep, but she wasn't too terrible in terms of croup. We went to church, but kept her with us instead of in the nursery (obviously because she had a fever!) Anyway, when we got home she was a little worse, but still not real bad. She didn't take a nap, extremely unusual, because she just felt that bad. We went to my parents' house for a turkey dinner and she got worse, so I decided to take her to the Urgent Care. I explained this happens every year, they give her a steroid shot and a 3 day dose of steroids and she's fine. He wouldn't do it. He gave her a prescription for singulair and sent us home. I gave her the singulair and put her to bed, she was exhausted. She lasted maybe 5 minutes and then just started screaming. I went and got her and her wheezing was so bad, I took her outside, as the cold air is supposed to help. It didn't. I went back inside and she just laid on me. Chuck got home and then it happened. She was trying so hard to breathe, but she couldn't. Chuck ran and got the inhaler, which helped, but not enough. We almost called an ambulance, but his dad came over to save the day. He stayed here with Skyler so we could take her to the ER. She had to have 2 breathing treatments, a chest X-ray and an oral steroid. They treated us so kindly and were so genuinely worried about Lily that it just broke my heart. Lily was so upset the whole time, but tried her best to stay calm. After about 3 1/2 hours we got to come home. Chuck ran to the store to get a prescription filled, while I waited for the home health care nurse to deliver a nebulizer. We had a rough night of sleep. (Chuck didn't sleep at all, he had to get some work done so he could take a sick day, he is now in bed) Lily and I woke often, her crying, me trying to make her feel better. She is still not doing very well today, but we have a doctor's appointment this afternoon that hopefully will help us clear everything up. I am so thankful that we had help so that could get her to the hospital without having to take Skyler and am so thankful that she is basically okay. We are praying for a speedy recovery and no lasting side effects!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Gracie's Party
Random Things
Lily was playing with her cowgirl gun and she came over to me and told me to put my hands up, I said no, you put your hands up. She told me she couldn't put her hands up because she was holding her gun!
Chuck and I spell out words sometimes so the kids don't know what we are talking about. Last night I had used some wine for cooking dinner and after dinner I went and lifted up the bottle and took a swig. Chuck was laughing at me and I said it might be okay if the wine didn't taste like a@@. Skyler sounds out a s s and says hey, you just spelled ass! Busted! We told him ass was another word for donkey but that he couldn't say it. We have realized that our spelling days are over. Now what are we going to do?
Chuck and I spell out words sometimes so the kids don't know what we are talking about. Last night I had used some wine for cooking dinner and after dinner I went and lifted up the bottle and took a swig. Chuck was laughing at me and I said it might be okay if the wine didn't taste like a@@. Skyler sounds out a s s and says hey, you just spelled ass! Busted! We told him ass was another word for donkey but that he couldn't say it. We have realized that our spelling days are over. Now what are we going to do?
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Nov. 6th, 2003
November 6th is always a difficult day for me. It's the day that our little Gracie Lynn was born and the day that she died. It is the hardest thing that I have ever been through and it still hurts me now. I was looking through all of my things from that time and we were so blessed to be surrounded by soooo many loving people. I am happy that Chuck and I both got to hold her and touch her while she was still with us. I remember her cute little feet and how she wrapped her fingers around my finger, it was just precious.
Today we are going to celebrate Gracie's birthday. Skyler was only 101/2 months old when Gracie died, but he has some kind of connection with her, because he speaks of her often. He wanted to have a birthday party for her this year. I thought it was a good idea, because we always have a big birthday celebration when someone turns five around here. So, we are making a special dinner for her; hamburgers and fries (Skyler's idea, funny, those are his favorite foods!) and we are having a birthday cake and Skyler and Lily are each getting a present. I think it is a nice way to remember her! We will go and visit her grave on Saturday and bring her some pink roses, they are her favorite.
How very softly you tiptoed into our world. Almost silently, only for a moment you stayed. But what an imprint your footsteps have left upon our hearts!
Happy Birthday! We love you!
Today we are going to celebrate Gracie's birthday. Skyler was only 101/2 months old when Gracie died, but he has some kind of connection with her, because he speaks of her often. He wanted to have a birthday party for her this year. I thought it was a good idea, because we always have a big birthday celebration when someone turns five around here. So, we are making a special dinner for her; hamburgers and fries (Skyler's idea, funny, those are his favorite foods!) and we are having a birthday cake and Skyler and Lily are each getting a present. I think it is a nice way to remember her! We will go and visit her grave on Saturday and bring her some pink roses, they are her favorite.
How very softly you tiptoed into our world. Almost silently, only for a moment you stayed. But what an imprint your footsteps have left upon our hearts!
Happy Birthday! We love you!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
My Little Man
On Saturday I picked out a book from Skyler's room and handed it to him. I told him, come sit with me so we can read this book. He, of course, said ok; he loves books. When we sat down, he handed me the book, which we normally do. I, however, handed the book right back to him and told him, you read it. He looked at me like I was crazy. I told him, hey, just look at the letter and sound it out, I just know you can read this book. He did! It was so amazing listening to him, watching his face as he sounded the letters out and figured out the word. He was so proud of himself and I was so proud of him too! My little reader!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Halloween was not as great as I had imagined, but, I don't want to get into that right now. Here's what we did:
In the morning Lily and I went to the Learning Center for their parade, she had a blast getting candy!
Skyler had a party/parade at school and we decided not to go so that Lily could nap, but he had a blast and got lots of stuff too! We went and visited my parents and then we went over to Chuck's parents where we ate dinner and went trick or treating. The kids got an awful lot of candy and were pretty excited about it. The costumes turned out perfect for the kids, thanks mom for doing such a great job! I think the picture of Lily on the bottom is my favorite
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