We took a family road trip on Saturday to Winterset, Iowa to go to the Bridges of Madison County Fall Festival. It was a long day, but we had so much fun! We walked around the town square, went and looked at two covered bridges, played at a cool park, and climbed a cool, castle-looking lookout tower. The beauty around us was breathtaking and we were lucky enough to have awesome weather. The trees were all changing color and it was just an amazing time! There was an awful lot of playing in the leaves. Fall is my favorite time of year and I loved hearing the leaves crunch under our feet and the smell of the leaves and watching the kids play in the leaves. I would highly recommend this. I would like to go back without the kids to see the other bridges that we didn't make it to. There was even a stone bridge we didn't get to stop at that was in the movie Bridges of Madison County. Good, good times.
Tell me when you are doing fun stuff like this! We are always looking for different ways to hang out as a family, this looked like a lot of fun, glad you guys had such a good time!
That looked like fun! I am glad that you guys were able to go and have great weather! Nothing like hanging out with the family and enjoying each others company!
I am blessed to have a wonderful husband and to be mom to Skyler, 8, and Lily 5. I try to find a balance in my life between God, family, work, and exercise. Sometimes it seems impossible, but I know I can do it! I am beginning a new journey in my life as I attempt to work again since both kids will be in school all day, everyday.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."
Tell me when you are doing fun stuff like this! We are always looking for different ways to hang out as a family, this looked like a lot of fun, glad you guys had such a good time!
That looked like fun! I am glad that you guys were able to go and have great weather! Nothing like hanging out with the family and enjoying each others company!
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