Well, last Thanksgiving Chuck spent the whole vactation putting in a backsplash in the kitchen. It wasn't fun! This year we had no plans to do anything, but on our way home from church yesterday Chuck asked if I wanted to stop at Menards and look at lights for the kitchen. I said yes! We have been needing new lighting in there for about 8 months. Both of the former light fixtures had plastic light sockets, which, when exposed to a lot of heat and moisture, crack. No big deal, yeah right. You can't put light bulbs in if you can't screw them into something. The one above the sink had been out for the longest and one of the five over the table was broken, with the four others following closely behind. We found some pretty nice lights for pretty cheap and he even installed them yesterday without too much trouble. We are amazed at how much more light we have now!
Good job Chuck! It is awesome that Chuck will take the time away from his vacation to do some heavy work around the house! I am jealous that you have a house to do all this in! Chuck better be taking notes so that when Pat can do all of these things Chuck can give him some pointers! I will make sure that I have some beer for him to drink while he sits and tells Pat how to do it! :)
Very nice! Good job! I really like the one over the sink!!!
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