Friday, April 16, 2010

The Runner- Sidelined!

Well, I was so proud of myself for completing that 10 mile run a little over a month ago. What I didn't know is that it would be the run that put me out of running for almost this whole time. I felt great after that run. I didn't get any cramps or pains while I was running and did not collapse when it was over or anything. I had a massage a few hours after it and I felt GREAT! Two days later, reality set in. I am talking big time shin splints and excruciating hip pain. I have neither had either from running and I have to say, I don't like it one bit. The shin splints I can live with. They hurt, but not so much that I want to cry. The hip pain, on the other hand, has almost been the death of me. I self diagnosed myself with bursitis.
What is bursitis? Well, I am so glad that you asked! The bursa is what cushions the tendon and helps to prevent friction between the tendon and the bone. Constant rubbing of the tendon over the bone can lead to enough friction of the of the bursa to cause inflammation and irritation. I have to say bursitis is the worst pain I've been in a long time. It doesn't heal quickly either. I was in constant pain, sitting, standing, laying, sleeping, and running. I tried to run through the pain. That was stupid. I finally went to the doctor and he took x-rays because he suspected a stress fracture. Bursitis doesn't show up on x-rays. His prescription was to stop running for a while, killing me, and physical therapy.

Luckily my physical therapist knew what bursitis is and the symptoms, and was certain that was what was wrong. I have been doing physical therapy for 2 weeks and the pain is mostly gone. However, During this time I have not run at all, which is what caused the pain to begin with! She wants me to run this weekend, not hard or far, but just run to see how my hip handles it. I am excited but scared to death, because I do not want to start running and have it flare up and go through this whole this again. There is a 5k at the end of April that I REALLY want to run in. I not only want to run in it, but I want to beat my time last year and I just don't know if I can. So half marathon will have to wait until the beginning of the summer or the fall. Bummer, because I was almost all done with my training for it!!!!!!

1 comment:

Christina said...

Wishing you lots of luck it all works out!