I had an interesting Thursday. I am only going to blog about one of the things that happened today and I will blog about the other things at a later post. Today I was cleaning my bathroom. You know, cleaning the toilet, cleaning the counters, cleaning the sinks. I sprayed windex on the mirror and started wiping it off with a paper towel, when the mirror came off of the wall. Yes! That huge mirror came off of the wall and knocked the dragonfly picture right off of the wall onto the floor. The good news is that since I was cleaning the mirror, my hand was on it so I kind of caught it. This mirror has two decorative anchors at the top, which weren't on very well, but it is also supposed to be glued on to the wall. Well, anyway, I managed to put it back up and put the anchors on; they weren't doing very well though because the screws holding them in are coming out of the wall. I called Chuck at work and told him and he was like, WHAT! So he told me to duct tape it along the top and sides and hope it held until he got home. When we got home, we took it down and this is what we are left with. It's okay though. We now have a bathroom renovation project on our hands. It was unexpected, but we both are pretty excited about it. We are going to put up two mirrors, one over each sink, frame them in and in between them have some shelving, since our bathroom is highly lacking in any type of storage. We are also going to paint!!! I am so excited. It needs a paint job so bad! We just have to decided what color. Do we keep it the same, or do something different? Any ideas? I will keep you posted on the project, as right now I have NO idea when it will begin. All I know is that I hope it is soon, as it is pretty weird walking in there right now without a mirror!

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