Monday, January 5, 2009

Meet Kaden!

I am so far behind on blogging, it's not even funny. There are two reasons for that, I have been busy and I haven't had the heart for it lately. Maybe that will change soon, the heart thing, I am not sure. But, anyway, we went to Wichita to meet my nephew and we were so thrilled to see him. Skyler loved holding him, he was so happy to just sit and hold him for however long we would let him. It was soooo precious to see. I even had to give up some of my holding time to Skyler because he just loved it so much! He thought Kaden was just so sweet. Chuck liked to hog him too, and any chance he got, he had him! Lily, well, she really didn't care too much about him, but I'm sure that will change once he can actually DO things! I have a lot more stuff from our trip, but it isn't ready yet, so check back later.

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1 comment:

Christina said...

Awesome! Glad you had a great trip!