Monday, August 23, 2010

Lily's Preschool Open House

On Sunday we all got to go to Lily's preschool open house. She is going to a different preschool this year and she is just sooo excited about it. She loved everything about the open house and was so sad when it was time to leave. She was even sadder when she found out she had to wait another whole week (how long is a week mom? 7 days Lily. Oh man, that's like waiting forever!) She asks every day if she gets to go to preschool and I tell her, nope, you have to wait ___ more days. By Sunday, she is going to be a basket case!

I am pretty excited about this new school too. They come to get her out of the car and bring her to the car at the end of the day, can I just say sweet! They also go on a field trip every month and do so many other

cool things. On top of all of that, it is so much cheaper than the preschool she went to last year! Score!

The fun thing is that this is the preschool that I went to when I was 3 and 4, and the building is still standing after all of these years! Man, that is a miracle!

Here's looking forward to a wonder year of learning for Lily!
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