Thursday, January 10, 2008

And it just came flowing out!

Whenever I go to someone's house, I always worry about my kids spilling drinks and making messes. I have never worried or even thought about one of my kids throwing up at someone's house; but it happened today and it was wonderful. It was one of those surreal moments. I could not believe what was happening! We had just gotten to Holly's house. I was sitting on the bench in the entryway and Lily was standing in front of me. Christie was nearby, Holly was nearby. And then the floodgates opened! Lily vomited. And vomited. And vomited some more; quite a bit all over me, herself, and Holly's floor. My friends were just laughing! I was in a state of shock, as was Lily. I finally came to and cleaned it up, changed her clothes, bagged everything up, semi-sterilized the area and left. The smell was noxious. I don't know how I didn't vomit myself! The smell of vomit lingers in my car, and on my hands and I am sure at Holly's house! How do you get rid of the smell? This is all because I didn't want to help at Skyler's school today. I was praying for a snow day and instead I get a vomit day. Where's the justice?

1 comment:

Holly said...

be careful what you pray for.
and I'm still laughing!