Saturday, December 20, 2008


Well, we don't do "nap" time around here anymore. We do quiet time. Lily takes an hour in the afternoon to play quietly in her room. The other day when I went to check on her, this is what I found.

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Mom of 3 said...

I love this time for you! It is just enough for boh you and Lily to have a break but doesn't MAKE her take a nap when her body is too old for it. Way to go that you listened to your daughter instead of your own wants. It is also great to have these unexpected surprises! I found that my kids took better naps and we were not frustrated with each other when I stopped forcing them to lay down and take a nap.

I am surprised that she was comfortable in that position. I wish my body was that flexible! I have a feeling if I got down in that position I would be there for a while!

Missy said...