Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pumpkin Night at Peter Sarpy

We went to the Pumpkin Night at school last night and the kids got to paint pumpkins. They had a great time. I wasn't around when they painted the pumpkins, I was volunteering, but I left them in the capable hands of Chuck and he not only helped them paint their pumpkins, he did a little face making on their hands, which they were oh so happy to show off to me! The pumpkins looked great, Lily made a scary mama pumpkin (not sure where that one came from) and Skyler painted his with a scary face. They had a blast. Up next, pumpkin carving tomorrow night!

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Anonymous said...

Nice! Looks like Chuck tried to paint his shirt too!

Carving at home?

Stephanie said...

yes, at home Thurs. night