Sunday, October 5, 2008

A ride and run/walk

We had a very active weekend this weekend and it was great! Yesterday we saddled up our bikes and went on a 19 mile bike ride, again. We rode our bikes to Chuck's grandma and grandpa's and ate a nice lunch with them and the kids got to play in the great outdoors and it was awesome. The ride back was a little tough, the wind had picked up and was blowing against us, but we made it back and the kids passed out in the carrier on the way back home!

This morning we participated in our annual Race for the Cure. We have been doing this annually since 2000 and it is usually a whole family affar. My mom couldn't make it this year because she was out of town; but Andy, Denise and her Aunt Diane and cousin Kristen came along since they were visiting from California. It was a lot of fun, except for all of the people there! Man, you could barely walk because of the huge amount of people! Chuck ran (duh, what else would that guy do?) and the rest of us walked. He finished in 28 minutes and we finished in 1 hour and 22 minutes. Like I said, there were a lot of people there and it was hard to walk, especially with 2 strollers. Thanks everyone for helping to push a stroller!

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