Monday, November 17, 2008

Sunday Sunday Sunday!

Boy, what a day/night we had. Saturday afternoon Lily developed a fever and the start of croup. She has gotten this once a year, every year of her life, so we usually know what to expect. Saturday night she was okay, Sunday morning, a little worse, she woke up at 5 and didn't go back to sleep, but she wasn't too terrible in terms of croup. We went to church, but kept her with us instead of in the nursery (obviously because she had a fever!) Anyway, when we got home she was a little worse, but still not real bad. She didn't take a nap, extremely unusual, because she just felt that bad. We went to my parents' house for a turkey dinner and she got worse, so I decided to take her to the Urgent Care. I explained this happens every year, they give her a steroid shot and a 3 day dose of steroids and she's fine. He wouldn't do it. He gave her a prescription for singulair and sent us home. I gave her the singulair and put her to bed, she was exhausted. She lasted maybe 5 minutes and then just started screaming. I went and got her and her wheezing was so bad, I took her outside, as the cold air is supposed to help. It didn't. I went back inside and she just laid on me. Chuck got home and then it happened. She was trying so hard to breathe, but she couldn't. Chuck ran and got the inhaler, which helped, but not enough. We almost called an ambulance, but his dad came over to save the day. He stayed here with Skyler so we could take her to the ER. She had to have 2 breathing treatments, a chest X-ray and an oral steroid. They treated us so kindly and were so genuinely worried about Lily that it just broke my heart. Lily was so upset the whole time, but tried her best to stay calm. After about 3 1/2 hours we got to come home. Chuck ran to the store to get a prescription filled, while I waited for the home health care nurse to deliver a nebulizer. We had a rough night of sleep. (Chuck didn't sleep at all, he had to get some work done so he could take a sick day, he is now in bed) Lily and I woke often, her crying, me trying to make her feel better. She is still not doing very well today, but we have a doctor's appointment this afternoon that hopefully will help us clear everything up. I am so thankful that we had help so that could get her to the hospital without having to take Skyler and am so thankful that she is basically okay. We are praying for a speedy recovery and no lasting side effects!


Anonymous said...

Oh! Poor Lily! And you guys! I'm sorry and will make sure to pray for her this week.
Love you guys!

Christina said...

Do you just want to kill the Urgent Care for not listening to you? It would be nice if you could have called that Doctor to come and sit in the hospital all night with you! Maybe then next time he can listen to a Mom when she tells him what works for HER child!