Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What does this mean?

Today I was substitute teaching at the same school that Skyler goes to. I subbed in the 2nd grade and will be there again tomorrow. I like subbing and I don't like subbing. I like it because I still get to be around the kids and try to inspire them to love learning and hopefully actually teach them something. I don't like subbing because I have to get up so freaking early, get a sitter for Lily and wonder, hmmm, I wonder what Lily is doing now, and the major thing is that I haven't really got any control while I am in that room. I can't implement any type of discipline system for the one or two days that I am going to be there; I just have to get by. Anyway, while I was subbing today I got a phone call from the school district that I was subbing for. This is strange, because they never call you if you are subbing for them, because they know that you are working. So, when I had a break I listened to my voicemail and I was in shock. They wanted to interview me for an elementary position! Wow! I was surprised because I never applied for an elementary job, only to sub. I called them back and asked if it was a full time job, they said yes. I said no. They asked why and I said because I have a little adorable 2 year old at home that I couldn't leave everyday! So, she asked if I would ever be interested and I said yes, in two years. She said ok and that she would keep my information in the open applicants pile. This seems so strange that all of this happened. I wonder if I would really like a teaching job for this district, they seem to push their teachers soooo hard, would I ever be home? I don't know, but I have a few years to think about it and pray about it. I guess we'll see what God has to say about it.


Christina said...

Awesome! Maybe someone put in a good word for you! That is neat that they thought of you! Maybe I will get to see you tomorrow! I get to come in and do PTA stuff, you know the real important work! :)

Anonymous said...

That's cool though that they randomly called you! Apparently someone likes you! JK

Missy said...

Whoa that is sweet! Congrats, even if you didn't take the job!