Wednesday, October 15, 2008

We Remember

Today is Remembering Our Babies Day; Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. I did not know that this existed, but since I just found out I thought it would be a good day to remember our losses. We do at other times in the year as well, but this is a national day to remember and so I will.

We had been married about 6 years and had been trying for a baby for about a year. It was the end of the summer in 2001 and we were in the process of building our house and we found out I was pregnant. Everyone was so excited! We went to the doctor at 6 weeks and everything was fine. We went back in at 10 weeks and the doctor couldn't find a heartbeat. We had an ultrasound to confirm that there was no heartbeat and were told that the baby was dead. We were in shock. We didn't even know how to handle this. I was told that everything would pass out of me eventually, or I could have a D&C. I said I would wait. But, the more I thought about it I just didn't know when the baby would pass or what it would be like, I opted for a D&C. It was my first of five that I would have through the course of having babies! I was convinced that our first baby was a boy, and named him Caleb. It was a difficult time in our lives, but we got through it and a little over a year we were blessed with our Skyler.

We lost another baby after that Skyler. Our little Gracie was very special, but I will save her story for her birthday, which is coming up soon.

We will be lighting two candles tonight for our little babies in heaven!


the littrells said...

I too have been through the loss of a baby. We lost our baby at 12 weeks. I didnt have the decision of a D&C.I went through 24 hours of labor. It was the hardest thing I have done. We also lost a great nephew when he was only 3 months old. Brad and I will lights candles tonight also. I am sorry for hearing that you had lost one let alone two. I know its very hard.

Christina said...

It is something you never forget and makes you appreciate the ones you have! I have not had that loss and for that I am grateful but I feel for you and your losses!

Missy said...

Holding you in my heart today friend, and praising Jesus that your two babes are up in Heaven with Him.

Lakeville Vertical said...

I am so sorry for your losses with your babies. My heart goes out to you.

Jenn said...

I, too, am so sorry for your losses. Sending you a big hug, my friend.